Sometimes I think I need an intervention.
I can't stop.
I tell myself "you can control don't need it every day...."
but who am I trying to kid?!
I'm a total addict.
I can't stop looking at classroom pins on Pinterest.
I love all the great, creative ideas. I love all the inspirational quotes. I love the funny teacher memes. I *LOVE* all the pictures people post of their classrooms. But, I don't always love everything that I come across. There have been many opinion blogs that I have read that I totally disagreed with. Usually I just "tsk tsk" to myself, or rant to my husband, and then I move on. I try to steer clear of comment boards after a few too many waste-of-time useless arguments with perfect strangers.
But this one just drives me so bonkers, I can't even help myself.
I have come across these ideas a few times, by a few different authors, on a few different blogs or websites.
It is laying out some "rules" for decorating your elementary school classroom. Yes. Decorating. Like, freaking HGTV or something.
I know, I know....maybe the author doesn't mean "rules" like....well, rules. Maybe they just mean tips or pointers or ideas. Well, if that were the case, I suppose they could have selected more appropriate vocabulary, like "tips", "pointers", or "ideas". Call me a stickler, but I believe in saying what you mean.
And it isn't just the word choice. It's the overall tone. Condescending to those of us who might not have perfectly coordinated tripled borders on every bulletin board in the classroom.
And no, I can't say that I have the exact same shade of blue paper up on every coverable surface in my room. I'm sure *that* is the reason for that child's attention difficulties. Like he just can't focus on what I am saying because the lack of a perfectly cohesive colour scheme is really just distracting to a 5 year old boy.
You know what....the rooms look amazing. I am woman enough to admit to a bit of jealousy.
There. I said it.
I wish my classroom could look that nice.
But the thing is, I'm just a little busy.
I can't say that classroom decor is at the top of my priority list.
I'm not saying I am a better teacher than these Martha Stewart/Super Teacher types. I'm really not.
I have no freaking idea what kind of teachers they are. I hope they are fabulous, creative, caring, dynamic teachers where students feel loved, respected and nurtured every day. I hope kids leave their classrooms at the end of each year feeling inspired, encouraged, and like they have succeeded.
But could we cut it with the "you must carefully select your palette" and "blend colours that are neutral and calming, with touches of masculine and feminine colours so that no one feels left out...".
Seriously. My eyeballs simply cannot handle any. more. rolling.
These teachers would BARF everywhere if they came into my room with my cutesy borders, cheesy themed decorations and mismatched furniture, not to mention the giant MESS on my desk. No, my baskets do not all match. No, they are not made of natural fibres. And no, I do not care.
*quotes are fake, made-up quotes that loosely paraphrase all the classroom decor nonsense that has been getting under my skin for the last few months. This is not a direct personal attack on anyone.
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